Earnhardt Queen Creek CDJR

Dec 27, 2018

A flying karate kick over a beautiful sunrise.Martial arts are among the most beneficial activities you can participate in when it comes to long-term benefits. The physical and mental discipline a person acquires from years of martial arts training can be an extremely important aid regardless of vocation or leisure activities.

Alongside the discipline comes the physical fitness that will increase the overall quality of life. Basically, there really is no downside in taking a martial arts class, and it behooves all of us to give martial arts training some serious consideration. Here are three martial arts schools in the Queen Creek area.

1. Power Black Belt Academy

Power Black Belt Academy, an American Taekwondo school, is owned and operated by Susan and Michael McFarland, who are 7th- and 6th-degree black belts respectively as well as certified trainers through the American Taekwondo Academy. At Power Black Belt Academy, students learn a litany of techniques utilizing hand-to-hand combat for purposes of self-defense, as well as advanced weapons techniques at later stages.

Classes are available for people of all ages, with children’s classes divided into three groups based on age. There are also classes for students with special needs such as ADHD, Autism, and physical disabilities, and a separate women’s defense class designed to address specific dangerous situations by staying aware and knowing how to incapacitate an attacker. Class schedules and pricing are listed on the school’s website.

2. Patriot Martial Arts Academy

At Patriot Martial Arts Academy, students of all ages are able to learn three styles of martial arts that can be employed to defend oneself in almost any situation. The school offers classes in freestyle karate, kickboxing, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu under the tutelage of William “Rhett” Sandoval, an Army combat veteran with over 33 years of martial arts training experience and high-level certifications in five martial arts, including three black belts.

There are many different classes available for kids and adults at every level, from beginner to master. In addition to martial arts training, you can find conditioning classes, which focus on tumbling, acrobatics, and stretching to help develop strength, agility, coordination, and confidence. Patriot Martial Arts Academy offers a free trial class so potential students can see what the school is all about.

3. American Wushu Academy

Wushu is the Chinese word for martial arts. At the American Wushu Academy, students will learn a style of self-defense based around tai chi and Wing Chun. With over 55 years of training in karate, taekwondo, kung fu, and others, head instructor Juan Carlos Proano and assistant instructors Courtney Randolph and Kia Namaki offer an environment where students can develop self-confidence, inner peace, physical fitness, and the ability to defend themselves against potential harm.

With these (and all the other) martial arts schools in the Queen Creek area, there’s bound to be a school that will fit your needs and desires, regardless of what they might be. Check out what’s available and join up to start making some positive changes in your life.


Karate kick at sunrise” via Flickr by Bluesbby. Used with permission via CC BY 2.0 / cropped from original